Child Safeguarding Statement




  • ·         We provide therapy services to Children, Teens, Young Adults, Adults and Couples in one of two offices on these premises. Each therapist is self employed, responsible for all aspects of their own practice and operates under the collective name of ‘MALAHIDE COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY’ for the purpose of availing of facilities associated with their practice.
  • ·         Our Service is committed to safeguarding the children in our care and to providing a safe environment in which they interact with their therapist.
  • ·         Our service believes that the welfare of the children attending our service is paramount. We are committed to child-centred practice in any work we undertake with children.
  • ·         We are committed to upholding the rights of every child and young person who attends our service, including the rights to be kept safe and protected from harm, listened to, and heard.
  • ·         Our policy and procedures to safeguard children and young people reflect national policy and legislation and are underpinned by Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017, the Tusla Children First - Child Safeguarding Guide 2017, and the Children First Act 2015.
  • ·         Our policy declaration applies to all staff and students on work placement within our organisation. All staff and students must sign up to and abide by the policies, procedures and guidance encompassed by this policy declaration and child safeguarding policy and procedures as outlined by the Children First Act 2015 and their respective Governing Bodies (e.g. I.A.C.P., B.A.C.P., I.A.H.I.P.).
  • ·         We will review our child safeguarding statement and accompanying child safeguarding policies as necessary, due to service issues or changes in legislation or national or governing body policy.
  • ·         Each individual therapist acts is a Mandated person under the Children First Act, 2015 and acts as a Designated Liaison Person.
  • ·         As a Mandated Person each therapist has a legal obligation under the Children First Act 2015, where they are in receipt of disclosing information which identifies an individual as an ‘abuser’  to report to TUSLA all information they receive on any actual or suspected abuse of a child whether historical or occurring in the present.
  • ·         Our Confidentiality Policy and Record Keeping Policy will be discussed during each client’s first session.
  • ·         Policy for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse or Neglect Against Employees
  • ·         The management of case notes and any records of Child Protection issues is the sole responsibility of the specific therapist working on the case.
  • ·         The content and retention of case notes is governed by the guidelines and requirements as specified in, but not exclusive to, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the  therapist’s Professional Indemnity Insurance, their Governing Body and TUSLA .
  • ·         All Therapists have undergone Garda vetting in accordance with the requirements of their respective Governing body.
  • ·         All staff have completed the Tusla eLearning module – Introduction to Children First.
  • ·         Staff have access to regular Supervision and support in line with the policies of their Governing Body.
  • · This statement has been published on the service website and is displayed in the service. It has been provided to all staff, volunteers and any other persons involved with the service. It is readily accessible to parents and guardians on request. A copy of this Statement will be made available to Tusla if requested.