Many people will have made a New Year’s resolution to ‘go on a diet’, ‘to lose those extra Christmas pounds’ or make some other change in their life or lifestyle . We all can get a bit down on ourselves for not starting that diet or that big change we said we are going to … Read more

It is not intended that our blog be just a re-posting of other people’s work but this short message from Sir Richard Branson contains a nice message that may be worth considering if you have had a ‘falling out’ with someone. At times the thoughts of that argument or falling out can leave us feeling … Read more

I was going to write about the stresses of Christmas when I saw that someone had written a piece far better than I could have. Though aimed at a ‘younger’ audience it hits the main points of stress, anxiety, loneliness and at times isolation, loss and grief that we can feel at this time of … Read more

There are few that would argue that Nelson Mandela was an exceptional man, an inspiring man. Many may ask ‘how did he do it; how did he emerge after 27 years in jail to become the president of South Africa and be strong and forgiving enough to invite the prison guards who watched over him … Read more